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The day when V. made me think or how I got rid of procrastination


premiere: 03.10.2017 | Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle | Body/Mind Festival | Warsaw

Concept and creation: Aleksandra Bożek-Muszyńska
Music: collage and live music, performed by Jakuba Pałys
Costume: Aleksandra Bożek-Muszyńska and Anna Czyżewska

"...I want to ask you to close your eyes

Can you do this now for me, guys?

                       And try to answer,

                     but it’s just for you: 

What do you think you will still have time to do....?"


The starting point for this project is going to be based on the attempt to find an answer to the question: ”the time will come for what?” Movement-based exploration preceded by a research and interviews conducted among a group of women of over 50 and 30 years of age. The inspiration for the movement search, was the aesthetics of the camp, especially its visual aspect and specific naivety. 


Big thanks to all women, who took part in a survey and to Anna Czyżykiewicz, Hanna Bylka-Kanecka, Jakub Pałys, Alex Bradshaw and Anna Bojara.


Performance is a part of Exchange: Change Time and Dance project

Curators: Edyta Kozak, Anikó Rácz

Production manager: Krzysztof Kwiatkowski

Production: Fundacja Ciało/Umysł

co-organizers: SÍN Arts and Culture Centre w Budapeszcie, Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski

strategic partner: Węgierski Instytut Kultury w Warszawie

project co-financed by: Miasto st. Warszawa, Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego (Polska), Ministerstwo Spraw Zagraniczych i Handlu (Węgry)

Premiere: 03.10.2017 Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle
Body/Mind Festival

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